Monday, May 11, 2015

Sek Sork Waterfall

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Sek Sok(Parrot) resort has been around since long ago, but there is no development to become a tourist destination for sightseeing attractions yet just recently modified, a new face following the development of the tourism department of Battambang.

If we travel from the Battambang province to the west along the National Road 57, about 50 kilometers, we will reach a town called Psar Cheav market. When we look to the left to see a billboard, appearing big letters, "Waterfall Sek Sok Resort ". Then travel along towards Samlot district about 13 kilometers, we will see another label next to the street that read "Welcome to Sek Sok resort".

Mountainous areas of detained former gold used to be a heated battle between government troops and the Khmer Rouge turned into a beautiful resort where comfort and manipulation complex emotional foreplay became clear sprinkled tarnished. The sound of bullets haunting terror turned into musical sound

Every Saturday, Sunday and Holiday a lot of tourism came to visit this resort.

This resort is landing on hectares of land area on the Steng Sangke bank. Besides fancy design of natural river which flows on small rock and sound of waterfall, also have a more diverse landscape for entertainment. Throughout the whole park planted many kinds of trees, each tree in the shade for guests relaxed sitting relaxed cool.

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